
Welcome and thanks for joining. Enjoy this journey.

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” — Virginia Woolf

The Oreo Trap

The Oreo Trap

Oreos are vegan! Rejoice! But also beware, my friends!

Junk food veganism is a slippery little slope that can lead to plain ol’ junk in your trunk. While my sister insists that’s not necessarily a bad thing, for many starting a vegan diet with an eye on health it’s not (necessarily) the aim either.  

It’s not unusual for new vegans to lose weight, largely because they are subsisting on bananas and salads while they figure out how to navigate the grocery store and their local coffee shop.  Then, they become wise to the ways of vegan junk food, fast food, and those damn sinful Impossible Burgers!  And oh the accidental vegan delights that are out there: Nutterbutters, Fritos, Crescent Rolls.  And boom – the pendulum swings back! Those pounds initially shed coming roaring back with a vengeance of a category 4.

It’s super tempting, but don’t let the ease of vegan junk food trump your need for nutrition. Here’s what I’ve learned, the hard way (to the tune of about 10 extra lbs!).   

  • Just because it’s vegan doesn’t make it healthy.

  • If you can’t pronounce the ingredients, it probably isn’t good for you. Vegan or not. 

  • Your wine may be vegan but that doesn’t mean you should drink a bottle a night.

Nutrition is important for all diets: vegan, carnivore, and everything that falls in between. Solid tips to help anyone avoid the Oreo Trap:

  • Smoothies (made from actual fruits, veggies) are your friend. Pack them with peas, protein powder, peanut butter, or chia seeds to start your day with an easy win.

  • Eat the good stuff first. Not to be Captain Obvious here, but don’t order onion rings as an appetizer before your quinoa bowl. Fill up your belly with nutritious food first, then sparingly indulge on the other stuff. Same goes for fast food, Impossible Whoppers are a splurge not a staple.

  • Surround yourself with healthy options. Stock your kitchen (and your purse, car, backpack) with healthy vegan snacks. Think Trail mix not Tostitos. Fruit not Fritos.

So while we don’t have to throw out our Oreos (I get a little teary even thinking of that!), it’s best to keep an eye on nutrition.  A bit of planning and a little moderation does a body good! 

The Vegan Cheeseboard – A Mythical Unicorn?

The Vegan Cheeseboard – A Mythical Unicorn?

Oscars Go Vegan

Oscars Go Vegan